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Nonstop IT security for the nonstop multinational company

Danish premium cleaning specialist Nilfisk has entrusted Andrews Security Operations Center with the after-hours protection of its manufacturing processes and intellectual property.

The client

Nilfisk offers the professional market a wide range of premium quality cleaning products and reliable after-sales services. The core product line consists of floor cleaning equipment, vacuum cleaners and pressure washers, as well as a wide range of household vacuum cleaners and pressure washers.

Founded in 1906, the Danish Nilfisk Group has been operating in Hungary since 2003, with two factories in Nagykanizsa and Szigetszentmiklós. Besides the two factories, the group’s IT center is also located in Hungary. With eight factories in Europe, Asia and the Americas, the group employs 5,500 people.

The IT professional manager

Bálint Török has been Nilfisk’s IT-IT Security Manager for four and a half years. He has been involved in IT for more than 20 years, the last 15 years in various management roles. The 3-person IT security team he leads ensures the overall IT security of Nilfisk international.

The business problem

IT security is a top priority for Nilfisk, both in terms of production processes and the data assets generated. The intellectual property that accumulates in the company, customer data, is the foundation of the company’s operations, and they need to protect it. For a company that is more than a century old, maintaining a reputation is also extremely important, so every effort is made to mitigate IT security risks.

The company’s IT security team is based in Budapest, where three full-time employees and several external contracted experts are responsible for process and data security. Due to the geographical spread of the multinational company, someone is always working. It was important that IT security presence was permanent, in addition to the IT security team’s office hours.

office with programmers

The solution

A tender was published to select the service provider, to which several IT security service providers were invited, including Andrews.

“When selecting the service provider, we were looking for a long-term partner who we saw the potential to grow and develop with us in the IT security field. We selected the best partner based on a mix of expertise, references, personal impression, professional discussions and price of the service,” said Bálint Török, IT Manager at Nilfisk, about the selection process.

After office hours, on days off and public holidays, the Nilfisk International Group’s IT security is provided by the Andrews Security Operations Center. Thank you for the challenge and exciting tasks!

Well-defined responsibilities

The introduction of the service was preceded by a lengthy consultation phase, in which the responsibilities and tasks of the SOC were clearly defined to avoid any surprises or misunderstandings when the service went live. All elements were discussed so that we could be sure that we were speaking the same language and that the security professionals on both sides understood the same things. We were prepared for all possible scenarios, working together to develop a methodology for cooperation. We launched the service when we both felt that all areas had been thoroughly analyzed and all processes were in place.

The Andrews SOC service takes over the tasks of the Nilfisk security team outside office hours. The on-call service guarantees the international safe operation of the entire company, rapid detection and resolution of security incidents.

The introduction of the service has also given Nilfisk’s security team the opportunity to review their own IT security processes. Any uncertainties or gaps were addressed jointly with the help of our experts. They also drew on Andrews’ expertise to improve and design the processes, creating a documented and well-defined IT security solution.

Sounds familiar?

If this issue is already present in the life of your company, we are here to help.



Bálint Török, IT Manager


“Andrews has proved to be a very good partner all along in developing a fully transparent, professional collaboration. In reviewing our IT security processes, it became apparent that they are able to think with the customer's head and all along they proposed pragmatic, sensible alternatives, not standard solutions.”

Nilfisk logó

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